What’s for Dinner? Beef Tenderloin Kebobs with Sweet Potato Wedges



These Grilled Beef Tenderloin Kebobs are so good. We marinade them in low sodium worcestershire sauce or low sodium soy sauce (or both). We add tomato wedges, onion, green and/or red bell pepper and small whole mushrooms. I love sweet potatoes so I’ll cut a couple of potatoes into wedges, toss them in olive oil, sprinkle with a little sea salt and roast in the oven just like this. Limit yourself to about 4 ounces of the beef. And if you want my opinion, limit your beef to only once a week or so and ALWAYS trim off ALL the hard fat. A little marbling is okay. A good rule of thumb is to only eat four legged meat once a week or so (I usually go longer than that simply because I do not desire it). I also added 1/2 cup of purple grapes to my plate.


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